Yes, What is happening on my channel? Its been about 6 weeks since I have added anything to the Blog/Vlog. I have posted 3 videos on the channel which I called A Video Series " Upgrading Your Mini Lathe" 1,2,3 &4. The last video in the series will be out on Saturday 2/18/23. Its called " Upgrading Your Mini Lathe 4 ,The Reassembly " . I've been doing YouTube #Shorts also. I think they are a lot of fun to do. My last was called "#Shorts Bench Grinder restoration" The next #Shorts video will be out on Wednesday 2/22/23 its called " #Shorts Millin & Drillin using HSS". I have another #Shorts video in the works I'm trying to get posted on Saturday 2/25/23 , The name of this video is "#Shorts Machinist Jack Restoration" In the Mini Machine Shop I've been busy putting up some cabinets. I had the cabinets for a while, But, I just got some glass doors that fit them perfectly. So I put them right above my desk for all my Machine Books. They look great, Well, I think they do anyways. I'll put a picture slideshow below so you can see for yourself. I'll try and get here more often, but can't make any promises. Check out the pics below and then go to the channel. Until next ,Enjoy. Glenn A. Nowakowski
With a New Year comes new happenings. For the last month I've been trying new things with my channel. If you've been to @glennnowonyoutube you may have noticed that I've been posting #Shorts Videos. They've been doing very well. So, I will be doing more. In fact I have one coming out on Saturday, 1-14-23. At this time creators aren't able to use a thumbnail for their #Shorts videos, So, I made one just for all of you to see. Check it out below. As you can see, the video title is. #Shorts Old School Turning #Shorts can only be a minute or less, So, it's me doing some Facing, Tuning, Drilling and Hand Tapping on my 1953 Logan 10"x24" manual lathe in less than 1 minute. So don't forget to tune in. Saturday, January 14, 2023. Also, This coming weekend on January 7, 2023 My Channel, "GlennNow On You Tube" will be starting a New Video Series called "Upgrading Your Mini Lathe" The first of many videos will be titled "Disassembly" And then on the 21th of January the second video comes out titled "Bed Extension" That's right, I will be starting an Upgrade from 10" bed to a 16" bed. Below is the Thumbnail to watch for. I'm half way finished editing the second video ( Bed Extension) and I have lots of footage for video 3. So I hope you tune in for the new video series and enjoy the shorts videos in between. Until next time.
Like the title says, my last video is doing pretty good. The Mini Lathe Tailstock Upgrade was something I really needed to do. I'm not sure what upgrade I'll be doing next on the mini lathe. But, As far as upgrades go The Mini Machine Shop is getting an upgrade or should I say addition. I've been working out in the shop and decided to build a desk or bench for my fathers Old Gerstner tool box and a place to do some programming and CAD work. I'll be putting some pictures on the Mini Shop Upgrades page as soon as I'm finished posting this. Weird Shit going on in the shop. I've kind of needed a new drill motor. I dropped mine from about 8 feet off a ladder and broke the the battery latch. My wife told me to just buy another drill. But I used some duct tape and I feel it's as good as new. The weird thing is That I can't seem to find it anymore. I've looked everywhere. I needed a drill to work on the new desk so, I had to go and buy a new one. But, although I have a new drill I keep looking for my old one. Can't find it. Now that's weird, It should be somewhere in the shop. Well, until it shows up I'll keep looking. Until next time enjoy some videos. ALSO: There is a new video on the This Needs Fixing page. So try to stop in on that page and the new video.
Saturday the 3rd of December I should being posting my latest video. The Mini Lathe Tailstock Upgrade. Now that I'm finished with the machine stand/base, I can focus on all of the upgrades that little lathe can use. It really don't "need" any of the upgrades. I used my Harbor Freight Mini Lathe for years without doing any of the so called fixes or upgrades. I've actually done tight tolerance aerospace parts for customers on my mini lathe. I mean customers that did their inspections on CMM,s. Your part don't pass inspection and you don't get paid. Any ways, I can't wait to get into the lathe bed extension. That may be more than one video. I'll try to update the Blog more often. But, Until then enjoy my channel. Hey, Have you gone to my Tik Tok channel? @glennnow Check it out. Below a picture of me with the new tailstock upgrade.
Just a fast post. I'm finished with the machine base for the Mini Lathe and I put an update on the Mini Shop Update Page. A lot of pictures. Take a look. It's like a sneak peek, before the video comes out. Should be out Saturday the 19th of Nov. until then Enjoy.
I'm getting closer to finishing the stand/bench for my Mini Lathe. I painted the cabinets that goes under the stand facing the operator, Most likely I'll use it to put all the tools I use on the lathe. I painted it a gloss black. I have some pictures of it all painted and ready to be mounted. The stand, I still need to finish painting it. Red, Can you picture it. A red frame with black under cabinet. All of this painting just to match the Mini Lathe. Here's a few pictures below. I started painting the stand but was not able to finish. Called away by family. Finishing another day will be just fine. When it is finished I'll be putting a full set of pictures on the website. Not sure which page. Maybe the Hobbies Page. Wood working is one of my other hobbies. I need to do a video of some wood working projects. Soon, I mean maybe soon. Anyway, once the stand is finish the Mini Lathe Bed Extension starts. Well until next time, Enjoy.
My Mini Lathe bench is coming along pretty good. That's what has been taking up all my time. I did put out a new video on Saturday morning. A brass bushing and The mini lathe. I feel it got off to a good start. Hey, I have a picture of the Mini lathe bench, It's not finished yet but I think it is far enough along to start showing people. It is suppose to look like a lathe from the 1800's on the one side, and on the operators side its like a desk. Here's a look. It still needs to have the cabinets mounted under it and then be painted. I have all the picture of this thing being made from the beginning. I'll put all of them in the Mini Shop Update page when the bench is finished. Well, until then. Enjoy.
Tuesday the 25th of Oct. Been working in the Mini Machine Shop on a bench for my Mini Lathe. Not just any kind of bench, But one that looks like a Old flat belt lathe from the eighteen hundreds. It's going to take a while, but I'm well on my way. When I get a little further along I'll post some pictures. Until then, Enjoy.
Wow, You would think that after retiring that things would slow down. I retired in May of 2020 started a YouTube channel, Now trying out doing things with this Website. I'm having so much fun that there seems to not be enough time in the day. Another week has went by and I'm just now adding to my Blog. Well anyway, Back home from the Chicago Trip had lots of fun. So much food to be found in that area of the world, Gained 4.5 lbs. But had a lot of fun like I said. Put out a new video on the Channel and it seems like people are watching it. Still need a lot more subscribers so if you watch any of my work Please Subscribe and if you have time Share it with friends, family and even coworkers. So until next time, Enjoy.
I can't believe it has been a week since I've been on my Blog/ Vlog and Website. I was trying to work on the Mini Machine Shop and put some ideas together for projects on my Mini Lathe when my wife tells me, You do remember Glenn we are going to Chicago tomorrow. Holly Cow, I get so wrapped up in this shop I forget everything else that's going on in this world. Anyway, Here's a 1 minute video of my flight into my Sweet Home Chicago. Don't forget, To get back to the website after watching the video, Click on the "Home" page. Check out the video |